THOUGHT LEADERSHIP Sponsored by iPipeline
One platform for a complete protection journey
Society’s growing reliance on digital technology is not only reshaping customer expectations but also redefining industries. From mobile phones to tablets and laptops, customers demand access to all areas of their lives at their fingertips – meaning the future of insurance stands to be greatly influenced by IT platforms
Every day we’re seeing further advances in digital technology and the convenience and ease of use that customers now expect. SSG Digital meets those demands by providing an innovative and highly sophisticated IT platform for the protection market. Of course, it’s not only the customer journey that needs to be seamless; the adviser experience needs to be too.
SSG Digital supports the whole journey for protection products. From producing quotations, completing applications and underwriting, through to servicing, claims and on-going agency management. Providing a customer centric end-to-end system, we help customers, intermediaries and providers/carriers simplify and manage protection products better than ever before.
Making the complex simple
Eliminating complicated processes, our platform offers a simple-to-use, fully digital experience that accompanies the customer on their entire journey – taking protection business to the next level. SSG Digital provides complete agency and customer self-serve capabilities, alongside supporting complex product structures and offering full agency management. Designed to be tailored to fit individual distribution channels, customer trends and the specific demands of your markets, our system takes the most complex products and simplifies their delivery and deployment.

A seamless journey
To be an industry leader, you need to be able to deliver an industry leading customer experience, with the most advanced digital capabilities. SSG Digital can completely transform the whole customer and adviser journey. Its simplicity, flexibility, speed and efficiency give you the power to offer a compelling proposition, from start to finish.
- Flexible and powerful quotation engine generates premiums and commission.
- Applications completed efficiently without unnecessary intervention from providers.
- Automatically takes application through the underwriting process.
- Services payments and any requested or contractual changes.
- Highly effective claims solution, focused on improving efficiency, reducing costs and increasing profits.
- Minimises manual interaction for agency and commission management.
- Provides analytics to help you monitor efficiency and adapt as needed.
- Gives real time information about customer, process and business activity.
- Manages workflow and documents.
All these features are underpinned by a suite of support services that help to get you up and running as fast as possible and stay at the forefront of the market.
Flexible technology
Customers wake up to a world in which their every need can be addressed through their smartphones. So, when it comes to insurance and finances they expect the same level of ability and convenience. Using only the very latest technology, which is constantly reviewed and updated, our system offers you a completely secure and bespoke solution for your business. You can mix and match the components that suit you; to give your customers heightened accessibility across all devices, languages and currencies.
Last year, we acquired the global leading, next-generation electronic signature process, AlphaTrust. This gives even greater levels of flexibility and control for your protection business. Further enhancing the proposition to dramatically improve your overall customer experience, AlphaTrust adheres to strict regulatory and compliance requirements, delivering one of the most advanced embedded and cloud-enabled, fully customisable, document delivery and eSignature solutions on the market.
To adapt to changing needs, we designed our system with the aim of empowering companies to own and maintain it – putting you in control of how you organise your protection business. Whether refreshing existing business or entering a new market, you need to be able to act quickly to changing conditions and demands. SSG Digital gives you a solution that meets your unique needs, processes and workflows to transform your protection proposition.
“Transform your entire customer and adviser experience – and your protection business – with a market-leading digital solution.”
The next two, initiative and responsibility, are, according to Towers-Clark, “the hardest” to put in place.
“They certainly have been the hardest with within my company to implement. And the reason why is that from birth – well, from about two years old – we're told what to do. And we have an educational system which tells us what we should be learning and how we should learn it rather than actually encouraging us to work out what we should learn and working out how to do it,” he explains.
“So all initiative is kind of beaten out of us by the time we get to an employment situation and even once you get into employment – I mean obviously its changing hugely now – but even once you get into employment, you're still told to told what to do and therefore you don't take any responsibility because, frankly, what's the point of taking responsibility if you haven't got the freedom to take the initiative.
“So it's a downward spiral I see on that, but it can be an upward spiral the other way.”
The final skill, development, is essentially self-development, he explains.
“So people try and understand what they've done and why they've done it and it how they can develop further in order to feel more
empowered.”contact information
SSG Digital
Tel: 0345 408 4022